After 18 public comment speakers and plenty of written submissions, the Fishers Board of Works and Public Safety acted unanimously to begin a planning exercise aimed at identifying where a traffic signal is best suited for 116th Street between Cumberland and Hoosier Roads. The decision was met with thundering applause from over 30 people in the audience, most either residents of the Spyglass area or attorneys representing the neighborhoods.
Mayor Scott Fadness recommended the action, and his appointees to the board, Jeff Lantz and Stee Orusa, joined in supporting the proposal. The mayor said part of the equation as to where such a signal will be placed will be based partly on land in the area that is currently for sale and Fadness expects will be residentially developed.
Of those providing public comments, all were opposed to a recommendation from the city revealed last month, creating a connection street from Laurel Falls to Knightsbridge Lane. Fadness decided not to support that recommendation, but provide what most residents supported, a traffic signal on 116th Street allowing residents easier access in and out of the subdivisions.
The mayor set a deadline of July for the city engineering department to come up with a recommendation for a specific location for the traffic signal.