The City of Fishers has made a point to fund a neighborhood vibrancy grant program for many years. The mayor has proposed, and the City Council has approved, this program where individual neighborhoods apply for grants to improve or maintain their individual subdivisions. The city budgeted over $422,000 for this project in 2025.
- Archer Estates ($17,329.04) to improve landscaping at neighborhood entrance.
- Ashwood ($14,750) to replace 21 dead trees that were removed last year.
- Bridger Pines + Bridger Pines West ($15,108.86) to install pollinator gardens and replace dead plants and trees.
- Britton Falls ($24,000) to replace two landscaping beds at neighborhood entrance and install monument sign.
- Britton Ridge Pond Adjacent ($25,000) to install an erosion control barrier along the pond.
- Burberry Place ($25,000) to install new courts for tennis and pickleball.
- Delaware Pointe ($25,000) to improve sidewalk along Delaware Parkway and upgrade to an ADA accessible playground.
- Gray Eagle ($3,791.52) to replace basketball hoops and backboards.
- Hickory Woods ($20,119) to install a new retention pond and landscaping at neighborhood entrances.
- New Britton Woods ($12,676.26) to beautify neighborhood entrance and exit.
- Pine Bluff Overlook ($23,880) for pond improvements.
- Prescott POA ($11,465.60) to remove 6 trees at neighborhood entrance and improve landscaping with new metal mulch barrier.
- Quaker Ridge ($23,000) to replace fence surrounding neighborhood entrance.
- River Glenn ($11,011.71) to replace current plantings with vibrant ones.
- Royalwood ($22,506.84) to upgrade signage, lighting, and install native plants.
- Sand Creek Woods ($25,000) to improve and install pond fountains.
- Saxony ($19,724) to replace landscaping at neighborhood entrance and along medians.
- Silverton ($23,000) to install plants at both neighborhood entrances.
- Stevenson Mill ($13,286.69) to enhance landscape and remove dying plants.
- Sumerlin Trails ($7,849) to plant native seeds around ponds.
- Sweet Briar ($25,000) to create ADA accessible outdoor spaces, resurface basketball courts, and improve landscaping.
- Timberstone Villas ($15,271.15) to increase safety of median at entrance to neighborhood.
- Windjammer Bay ($18,830.74) to install new lighting and replace landscaping at neighborhood entrances.