Harrison Parkway Elementary to have LED lighting installed

Harrison Parkway Elementary School is set to have new LED lighting installed that will result in projected energy cost savings and improved lighting.  The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board Facilities Committee heard about the plans from HSE Schools Facilities Director Matt Rapp Thursday morning.

The cost of the LED lighting installation is listed as $179,498.76.  However, Duke Energy will provide a rebate of $33, 213.20.  That means the cost to HSE Schools will be $146,285.56.  Rapp says the savings estimate from this project over 11 years will total $267, 138.44.

The committee received the following updates on construction projects:

–The renovation of Fishers Elementary remains on time and on budget as work continues on the interior and exterior walls, as well as stormwater storage.

–The $34.5 million Fall Creek Intermediate project is set to begin as school ends in late May.

–The $15 million plans at Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate & Junior High are also on track to begin in late May.

–Durbin, the former elementary school, will be the home for The HSE Schools Academy and renovation work continues to ready that facility for its new function.