In May of 2013, voters in the Hamilton Southeastern School (HSE) District approved a referendum to finance building projects at both high schools. They are now called College and Career Academies.
The municipal bonds issued to finance those buildings have a “call date” July 15 of this year. Unlike most other debt, municipal bonds cannot be refinanced at any time, only on a specified “call date” as part of the bond issuance.
HSE Chief Financial Officer Tim Brown presented what is technically described as a “refund,” or refinancing of those two bonds. If interest rates remain at or near their current level, the board was told savings for the two bonds combined can be as much a $1.8 million.
The board voted unanimously to refinance the debt.
In another financial issue that received a unanimous approval vote from the board, Skillman Construction was awarded a $34 million contract for renovations at Fall Creek Intermediate. The District was able to save about $1.5 million in handling the bids for this project.
Finally, the board voted to purchase playground equipment for Hoosier Road and Lantern Road Elementary Schools. The Lantern Road playground will be moved away from the roundabout at 106th Street and Lantern Road for safety reasons.