HSE Schools to continue contract with Community Health

Community Health Network is expected to receive another 5-year contract with Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools.  Chief Financial Officer Tim Brown told the School Board’s Budget and Finance Committee Wednesday morning 3 hospital groups submitted bids but Community had the best bid on price.  “Community came back the overwhelming winner,” Brown told committee members.

This contract covers school nurses, sports medicine support, behavioral health and clinic services.  Brown described a staff survey conducted about the clinic services, and the results were positive about the clinic run by Community.

HSE and Community are in the process of hammering out a new 5-year pact, and, according to Brown, “We don’t see it changing substantially.”  The agreement will include a process to review the contract provisions at the end of 4 years, but Brown emphasized this would not be an “auto-renewal.”

A completed contract is expected to be before the HSE School Board in April.

HSE Facilities Director Matt Rapp reviewed 12 projects exceeding $350,000 in cost that will be up for board consideration, except the item number 9 below, which will be deferred for reconsideration in one year.

Here is a list of the construction plans presented to the committee:

1. Fall Creek Intermediate Renovation –   Funding from bond proceeds.  Start date in May, completion projected to be July 26. Total: $34,000,000

2. Hamilton Southeastern High School Baseball Drive – We will remove and replace the existing drive and parking lot and install a storm drain. Total: $1,500,000

3. Drive between the Administration Building and Transportation – We are removing and replacing this access drive shared by HSE and the city. We are also adding a pressure loop (opening of the transportation main gate)  Total: $500,000

4. Hoosier Road Elementary Parking Lot – We plan to repair and replace the original asphalt and correct subsurface issues. Total: $350,000

5. Hoosier Road Elementary Playground- We will replace and move some equipment. Total: $421,000

6. Brooks School Elementary Parking Lot – We plan to repair and replace the original asphalt and correct any subsurface issues as needed. Total: $350,000

7. Fishers High School Roof – We will replace approximately 87,000 sq ft of roofing. – Total: $4,000,000

8. Fishers High School Pool Air Handlers- We will solicit bids for labor to install the two units on order. Total: $1,500,000 ($750,000 already spent on equipment, $750,000 for this bid))

9. Fishers High School New Auxiliary Gym- Releveling the wood court to meet the other courts. Total: $171,000 (Deferred at this time, will re-evaluate in one year) )

10. Lantern Road Elementary School Renovation –  We are moving the north playground to the south of the building, further away from the roundabout. This will include prep work of the new area and new equipment. Total: $1,200,000

11. Hamilton Southeastern High School- We will be advertising a Request For Proposals  for a Construction Management Services Contract as part of this extensive renovation project. Total: Budget TBD

12. Custodial- A Request For Proposals will be going out to bid. Total: Budget TBD