Consent agenda debate shows divisions on HSE School Board

I have covered the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board for 13 years.  The consent agenda, for most of that time, was relegated to routine items, such as approving minutes,  basic personnel and payroll matters.

Wednesday night featured a debate about the consent agenda when Sarah Parks-Reese asked that the board vote on each consent agenda item, 7 in all.  Suzanne Thomas pointed out that $2.9 million in spending was part of those consent agenda items.  She argued these are not all routine items in this case.

Dawn Lange responded that each item had been discussed in a board committee and minutes of those meetings are available online.

The board voted 4-3 not to separate the consent agenda items, with Suzanne Thomas, Sarah Parks-Reese and Latrica Schooley voting no.  The vote to approve the consent agenda itself was approved on a 5-2 vote, with Parks-Reese and Schooley voting no.

The consent agenda items listed for Wednesday night’s meeting included meeting minutes, personnel reports, claims, a contract for legal work with Barnes & Thornburg, award of a contract for phase 2 renovation of Durbin, telecom purchases and a contract with Moss Telecom.

Principals formally approved

The Board also officially approved Kyle Goodwin as permanent Principal at Fishers High School and Chrissie Sturgill as Associate Principal.  Janie Ulmer was named permanent Principal at HSE Intermediate & Junior High.

Two years of calendars in place

The Board unanimously voted for two years worth of school calendars, listed below.

Supt. Mapes on pending legislation

Superintendent Patrick Mapes cited the property tax relief bill before the Indiana Senate, saying the original version of that measure would have “a negative impact on our schools.”  He described revisions in the legislation as “helpful.”  It is expected the bill will have moved from the Senate to the Indiana House by the time the board meets again in March.