The intersection of Klotz Farm Boulevard and 116th Street, in the Spyglass Falls and Spyglass Hills neighborhoods, has been a problem for years. According to data gathered by the Fishers City Engineering Department, there have been 31 crashes at that location from 2010 to the present day.
This has been studied for years. The question has always been – we all understand there is a problem, but what is the best solution?
City Engineering Director Hatem Mekky went through a detailed presentation on the history of the issue and laid out a number of solutions. Those include a possible roundabout or traffic signal.
In the end, Mekky recommended an extension of Lauren Falls Lane to Knightsbridge Lane, creating a one-way street. The price tag for this project is estimated at roughly $345,000. Although this proposal does not allow access to Spyglass Hills, it does not increase traffic into Spyglass Hills.
The Fishers Board of Public Works and Safety had a number of questions for Director Mekky about the data and his department’s recommendation. The board currently consists of Mayor Scott Fadness and his appointee, Jeff Lantz.
A large number of Spyglass residents were on hand for the meeting. No public comment was taken at the Tuesday morning session. However, Mayor Fadness said the city will continue to take comments on the issue.
It is expected the board will make a final decision on the solution for this traffic problem at the meeting set for 9am. February 25.
View the presentation at this link.