John Stewart

Friday, WFYI news posted a story about Hamilton Southeastern School Board candidate John Stewart.  The story centers on candidate Stewart’s handling of a contract running a horse barn for the Hamilton County Parks Department.

Reporter Rachel Fradette used a number of sources for her reporting.  That includes public records, an interview with the Hamilton County Parks Board President, e-mailed comments Stewart provided WFYI, the Hamilton County Parks Department Director and an outside expert.  You can read the WFYI story at this link.

Candidate Stewart sent a message to his supporters which he shared with LarryInFishers in response.  Stewart’s statement is shown below in its entirety.


First, I want to say that I’m so grateful to our friends and supporters who have been working hard to help our campaign. We are in this for all the right reasons and I’ve enjoyed being on this journey with you. As a first-time candidate it’s been a learning experience for me in a lot of ways. On the upside, I’m humbled by the caring and generosity of people willing to step up and show support for me, our schools and our kids. On the downside, I now have a greater appreciation for what candidates and elected officials experience in terms of personal attacks that can be one-sided, unfair and misleading.

 I want to share with you some information for additional context regarding the smear campaign against me. I have known the Kristianson family for decades. I taught Erick in Sunday school and youth group and our families spent a lot of time together. When his father passed away, I committed to them that I would be there when they needed me. Years later, his mother called me and asked for help because Erick had gotten into some trouble. My understanding of the situation at the time does not resemble what it appears to be today. I thought that I knew him and could trust his word.

 When I hired Erick to help with barn operations, primarily feeding and maintaining the horses and trails, I was not keenly aware of the details and serious accusations that have now come to light. I performed a background check and it was clean. I sincerely didn’t believe there was any potential risk for my family or the public, and there were no allegations of misconduct during his time working at the barn.

 As soon as I became more informed of the gravity of charges, not even to the extent of what he is now facing, I terminated his employment.

 It is incredibly difficult when people we think we know shock us with alleged behavior we can’t fathom. If I could change the way I handled it at the beginning, I certainly would. It was a critical lesson for me and, frankly, as a result I am more adamant and more equipped to demand and ensure that all appropriate systems are in place to protect people, especially children.

 I am flawed but I strive to be a good Christian and a good person. I am committed to doing what’s right for our community, our schools and our kids. I hope you will continue to support our efforts.