A change in this blog

I started this Fishers local news blog in January of 2012.  It has been hard work as a volunteer activity but is worth it to me when I am told it has allowed more local people to be engaged in their local issues and government.

I must make a major change in how this blog works.  I have been considering this for some time, and have reached a decision.  I will no longer allow comments on my blog posts.

Let me say at the outset that most comments are fine, an expression of one’s views and done in a respectful manner.  This action is not aimed at any of you.

Perhaps it is a reflection on the tone of the current political environment.  As a one-man-band volunteer operation, I do not have the time and cannot devote the effort to fact-check and use a fine-tooth-comb to review every comment, especially when a particular story elicits a long list comments.

I do this reluctantly, but, after much thought and reflection, must take this action.

Obviously, if you wish to cut-and-paste a link to one of my news stories and place it on your own social media platform, that is fine.  I am only saying on this blog the comments will end.

Past comments remain, I do not have the time to review every single comment posted on this blog.

So, thank you for reading.  I appreciate each and every reader of this news blog.

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