HSEA announces endorsements in upcoming school board election

With the local school board election set for November 5th, and early voting expected to start in early October, the Hamilton Southeastern Education Association (HSEA), the local teachers’ union, announced on social media Tuesday the candidates the union is supporting in the balloting.

In this round of the election, voters residing in the Hamilton Southeastern School District will all cast ballots in three elections, one for each township – Fall Creek, Delaware & Wayne.

In Fall Creek Township, Suzanne Thomas, an incumbent, is supported by HSEA.  Terry Tolle is the other candidate in Fall Creek.

In Delaware Township, Latrica Schooley is HSEA’s choice.  The other candidate in that township is Greg Lannan.

Finally, in Wayne Township, incumbent Sarah Parks-Reese is HSEA’s choice.  John Stewart is the other candidate in Wayne.

If you are not registered to vote, use this link to check on your current registration or register to vote online.  The deadline for voter registration in Indiana is Monday, October 7.

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