HSE Board enacts new policy on staff communications with students

A new Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools policy on communications between staff members of the school district and students passed unanimously Wednesday by the board of trustees Wednesday night on second reading, with a long discussion about exceptions.

The HSE Policy Committee recommended language in first reading, board members had some concerns, so the Policy Committee took a second look at the policy and what exceptions might be needed.

Board member Sarah Parks-Reese told a story of a student that took her life at a local  junior high and discussed situations where a teacher may have established a trusting relationship with a student and wanted to talk with the teacher outside the district’s communication system.  A long discussion resulted in board member Ben Orr raising the issue of liability on the part of a teacher communicating with a student that harms her/his self.

The policy provides exceptions where staff members are acting as a parent, such as arranging for a babysitter.  There is also an exception for emergency situations where school system connections are not as quick for the user.

In the end, the board voted unanimously to pass the policy as last recommended by the Policy Committee.  The new policy is effective January 1, 2025, allowing time for training and communication about the new policy.

You can read the policy language at this link.

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