Plan Commission backs new overlay district for “low impact” commercial development

The Fishers Plan Commission unanimously gave the City County a positive recommendation for certain areas of the city to have “low impact” overlay districts, allowing certain commercial operations in traditionally residential areas.  Planning & Zoning Director Ross Hilleary says such areas can provide a buffer for neighborhoods from heavily traveled roads or other more intensive commercial areas.

City Councilor Pete Peterson, also a member of the Plan Commission, emphasized this overlay proposal does not change the zoning currently in place.  If a residential area would be proposed for commercial rezoning, that would need a public hearing and vote by the Plan Commission, and action by the City Council.

Examples of low-impact commercial operations would be medical offices, offices in general, beauty/hair salons, day spas and nail salons.

For more details on these proposed overlay areas, use this link.

One thought on “Plan Commission backs new overlay district for “low impact” commercial development

  1. So the first question I would have is — how fast do the fiscal bullies descend onto these property owners and force them out of their property so a new strip-center/bland office building/creepy generic 3 story town-row houses can be “developed”?

    If this goes like the property takeover at 116th & Holland, people should be wary of allowing this to proceed in the typical unchecked fashion the current administration operates by.

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