The number 73

I have often asked myself about the meaning of a particular number.  In this case, the number is one’s age.

September 3, 2024 is the day I celebrated my birthday number 73.  Some say a birthday is just a number.  It is that, but much more.

My 73rd birthday allows me to think about the many things for which I am thankful.  I have relatively good health.  In the past 4 years, I have had 2 occasions where my health went south and could have been fatal.  In both cases, I recovered, and I am thankful to have reasonably good health at the age of 73.

I also appreciate my wife, 2 daughters, sons-in-law and 3 grandkids.  I was married late in life and was never sure I’d live to be around my grandkids.  For that, I am quite thankful.

My family, including my 2 brothers, 2 sisters, nephews, nieces, cousins and so on are very special.  They are all outstanding people.

My friends are quite special as well.  Having lived in Fishers 33 years, I have formed some special relationships and value each and every one.

Facebook can be a double-edged sword, but one part I like are all the happy birthday messages received on September 3.  Each one was great.

I have now made it to age 73.   Will I make it to 74?  Only time will tell.

Thanks for reading my blog.

4 thoughts on “The number 73

  1. Happy Birthday! Thank you for your kind service to the community in your retirement. I don’t know how you cover so much in such a balanced way but we appreciate your reporting.

  2. Happy birthday!

    73 is a prime number, so you’re in the prime of your life; you have that going for you, too. Take the wins where you find them. 😉

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