HSE School Board forum will not likely happen on October 1, new date expected

After posting the story Saturday that Current Publishing and Public Radio Station WFYI were jointly sponsoring a forum for Hamilton Southeastern School Board candidates in the upcoming election October 1, I started getting messages immediately about the date of the event.

Turns out, the initial date for the forum, October 1, is the same night as the Hamilton County Republican Party Fall Dinner.  Since there are several HSE School Board candidates with ties to the local Republican Party, it was unlikely those candidates would attend the forum.

I understand the organizers were not aware of this conflict and efforts are underway to find a new date for the forum.  Once that is announced, I will post it here.

6 thoughts on “HSE School Board forum will not likely happen on October 1, new date expected

  1. Wondering … What if HSE school board meeting was scheduled for same night as a Hamilton County GOP event?
    Would the elected school board members with ties to the local Republican party be unlikely to attend their school board meeting!?

  2. I guess their political endeavors are more important that being a non-partisan HSE school board member, I’m no longer surprised knowing what happened in the last school board elections. I already researched candidates and know my choices.

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