HSE Schools IREAD results

The State of Indiana released IREAD scores Wednesday and Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools revealed the local school district scores at Wednesday night’s board meeting.  IREAD is a test to ensure third-grade students have the reading skills to advance on to fourth grade.

Overall, HSE as a district, increased the number of third-graders passing IREAD, from 92.9% in 2023 to 94.2% in 2024.  The chart above, provided by HSE Schools, shows each elementary school’s 2023 & 2024 IREAD scores, using a 3-letter abbreviation for each school.

HSE has had second graders take the IREAD test.  District-wide, 58% passed the IREAD and will not need to take it again in third grade.  15% of second graders are on track to pass and 26% are at risk.  The same breakdown by elementary building, using the same three-letter abbreviations, can be found on the chart below.

Overall, 9 schools saw an increased IREAD pass percentage with 5 buildings meeting or exceeding the Indiana Department of Education goal of a 95% pass rate. All second grade students identified as “at-risk” of passing IREAD received “immediate intervention,” according to HSE Administrators.


One thought on “HSE Schools IREAD results

  1. Great data. It’s important to remember that year to year comparisons like this do not measure the same cohort of kids. However, the overall level is quite good, and the 2nd grade results are very promising

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