Atwell Hotel wants Saxony – does Saxony want Atwell Hotel?

When I arrived about 30 minutes prior to the Fishers Plan Commission meeting Wednesday night, the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Committee meeting was still in session.  That was unusual.  What was also unusual for a PUD Committee session was the presence of a large crowd.

The panel was considering a proposal by IHG Hotels to construct a new hotel line from the chain, Atwell Suites, in the Saxony neighborhood.  Committee members had told IHG the design of the project was not one that would fit well into the Saxony area.

Once IHG had presented its newest proposal, it was clear, based on the comments by the committee members, there were at least 3 of the 5-member committee prepared to vote no.  That led to massive applause by the people in the audience.

City Councilor Pete Peterson, also a member of the PUD Committee, suggested that IHG be given another chance to change the plans based on committee member comments.  He moved for a continuance, and that motion was passed unanimously.

Daniel Bradley of the Indianapolis Business Journal has a very good story digging into the details of all this.  You can find the story at this link, but you may need to be a subscriber to access this story online.

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