Not a sleepy Sunday

Yesterday was a Sunday, and as a mostly retired guy, I did what I do best on many early afternoons, take a nap.  I was resting peacefully yesterday when my wife Jane burst into the room telling me Joe Biden had announced he will not seek another term.

In my lifetime, the closest I could recall to this was 1968 when Lyndon Johnson announced he was not seek another term in the White House.  So this was an important day in American history.

After visiting my new granddaughter Maya, I came home and thought about the fact that all those delegates to the Democratic National Convention, beginning August 19, are no longer pledged to Joe Biden.  I discovered there are 4 delegates from Hamilton County headed to Chicago for the convention.

Since they are no longer required to vote for Biden on the first ballot, what are their thoughts about this new reality?  So far, I have not been able to contact any of those HAMCO Dem delegates.  I suspect they are soaking in all this new information as are the rest of us.

Look like I need to time my naps better in the future.

One thought on “Not a sleepy Sunday

  1. Likely the Indiana delegation is already on board with Kamala. The Indiana Democratic Party is as well as the other 49.

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