3-time grandpa

Maya Marie Cahill

I was married late in life at age 39 and became a father with twin daughters, Allison and Mary, born in my early 40s.  I wondered whether I would ever know any of my grandchildren.

Let’s just say God has been good to me.  Just days ago, my third grandchild was born, Maya Marie Cahill.  My daughter Mary and her husband Tyler are proud parents and will bring Maya up the right way.

I am also happy for Tyler’s parents, DeOn and Jim Cahill.  Maya is their first grandchild and Jane & I are so happy for them.

I had the chance to hold Maya the other day and she opened her eyes, looking at me.  It was a special and emotional moment.

Now Jane & I have Dakota and Callie Lewis, along with Maya, as our three precious grandkids.  We love them all so much.

And, thanks to the readers of this blog.  When I posted the personal note that I would be away from blogging a bit, you were so generous with your comments.  I have a special group of people reading this blog.

2 thoughts on “3-time grandpa

  1. She is precious! Nothing prepares us for how our hearts swell when we become grandparents. Nothing better in the world – I think it’s because we’ve raised our kids and we’re a bit more relaxed and certainly more appreciative of these blessings. I also think it’s a special feeling watching our children, be parents. Congrats sir!

  2. Congratulations! We had a newborn join our family this past Saturday. If I knew they were that good I would have started out with grand kids…..lol.

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