As construction continues on the Fishers Events Center, Mitch List, General Manager of the Events Center and an employee of ASM Global, told the Town Hall Building Corporation Monday that the first 4 shows to be scheduled in the Center will be announced next week. He also said more bookings will be announced in the coming weeks.
The Fishers Events Center will be home to the Indy Fuel hockey team, Fishers Freight Indoor Football League (IFL) squad and the women’s volleyball team Ignite. The Building Corporation approved an agreement for the Freight football team, with an arrangement similar to the Fuel hockey squad. Freight home games will likely be on Saturday evenings with a few on Fridays. The Freight will have no preseason, 8 regular season home dates with up to 3 playoff games possible. The IFL season begins in mid-March and ends in July.
The Indy Fuel Hockey team will be on the road for the first 15 games in the upcoming season as the Events Center is readied. The Fuel open the season at Savannah October 18. The first home game in the Events Center is set for December 6 against Iowa.
List told the Building Corporation the Center’s basketball floor comes from Detroit where it was used for NCAA basketball games. High school and collegiate hoops may be played at the Events Center.
The Town Hall Building Corporation was established in 1989, a nonprofit corporation under Indiana law. when Fishers was a town. The corporation has, among other functions. the financing and leasing of buildings and other capital improvements in the City of Fishers.