Fishers Digest Poll – Are you proud to be a Hoosier?

In the late 1960s, I was at a Cincinnati Reds baseball game at the old Crosley Field when Pete Rose made a fielding error.  Someone in the crowd yelled, “You Hoosier!”

That’s when I first realized the word “Hoosier” was not a compliment outside the state of Indiana.  So, are people living here proud to be Hoosier?

Skyler Braun, the man behind the local e-mail newsletter Fishers Digest, partnered with a market research company to ask people living in Fishers, are you proud to be a Hoosier?

It should not surprise you that 65% of respondents said yes, they are proud Hoosiers.  It also did not surprise me that 18% had no opinion and probably never even thought about it.

What was a bit surprising was the 17% that responded no, they are not proud to be a Hoosier.  Perhaps these are people originally from Ohio?

Skyler’s Fishers Digest is a free twice-weekly local Fishers newsletter with his own touch on local news.  You can sign-up for his newsletter at this link.

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