Fishers trash collection deadline for bids delayed by 1 week

The City of Fishers had set a deadline for companies bidding on the city-wide trash collection contract to have their bids submitted by 10am Monday, June 3rd.  However, on Friday, May 31, city officials discovered an “administrative error” in the request for proposals.

With the discovery of the glitch, Fishers has extended that deadline for submitting bids to Monday, June 10, at 4pm.

City spokesperson Ashley Elrod tells LarryInFishers this delay will not impact the time line, which calls for a public hearing in July.  All this will do is shorten the time span for the city to review the bids and negotiate with bidders for a final bid offer.

The Town of Fishers went through the process of taking trash collection contract bids more than 10 years ago, but backed-off after public opposition.  With mostly 2 companies offering trash collection service in Fishers, Waste Management and Republic, costs have increased and the public mood appears to have changed.

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