High school graduation day for HSE, Fishers HS

HSE HS grads throw their caps in the air (photos from HSE Schools video)

I watched the HSE and Fishers High Schools graduation ceremonies on the live YouTube stream Saturday.  Memories were made for so many families in and around Fishers June 1st.  It is notable that this will be the final local graduation ceremony to be held at the Indiana State Fairgrounds Coliseum.  Beginning in 2025, graduations will be at the now-under-construction Fishers Events Center.  Also, the first graduations at the new Fishers Events Center will be a few days later on the calendar of 2025, June 7th.

I must admit, I did not watch every single graduate have their diplomas handed to them.  I wonder how the respective principals and Superintendent Mapes were able to shake all those hands in one day?

I remember my twin daughters graduation day from Fishers High School about 12 years ago.  It is a special and somewhat emotional experience to watch your child move from one part of life into another.

I believe it was the valedictorian for HSE High School that put it this way….up to now, you can talk about HSE is where you go…after today, HSE is a place you went.

I graduated from Arlington High School in 1969.  It is now a middle school, but many alumni of that school have fond memories of our days there, and I am one of those people.

What I recall of my graduation day was a memory of my World History teacher, Mr. Ben Fort.  He assured us he would be at our graduation ceremony and would shake our hands.  I wondered whether he meant that.  He did.

Ben Fort had a big smile on his face as he shook the hand of each graduate.

Congratulations to each graduate at HSE and Fishers High Schools.  You should be proud and your families should be proud as well.  Time to move on to the next phase of life.


Fishers HS grads take their turn

3 thoughts on “High school graduation day for HSE, Fishers HS

  1. Larry,
    Thank you for the wonderful public service you provide residents of Fishers and beyond.
    I am a High School teacher who lives in Fishers and I must report we are very concerned about the proposed changes to High School Diplomas that would potentially start with current 7th Graders. Chief among these concerns is the apparent end of the Academic Honors Diploma without a clear equivalent. I believe this is a topic that Fishers residents, particularly those with children 7th grade and younger, would be quite interested in hearing about. The Indiana State Board of Education is meeting tomorrow and educators will be offering public comment in hopes of encouraging adjustments before the diplomas become finalized at the end of the year. I plan to be in attendance and I hope that the local media also covers the meeting and its outcome.

    Here is a link to a recent article on the topic from Chalkbeat Indiana.


    Thank you again for your work!

    Randy Hudgins

    1. Thanks for the comment. As a 1-person volunteer operation, I am limited on what I can cover, but have been watching this particular issue. Once the State Board of Education meets, I may write about this.

      1. Larry,
        Thank you for keeping it on your radar. There were some proposal updates at the meeting yesterday. Mr Mapes of HSE announced that no matter what they decide, HSE will still offer the AHD regardless and had some strong opinions on certain parts of the proposal.

        Thank you for the public service you provide.

        Randy Hudgins.

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