Memorial Day in Fishers 2024

The assembled audience listens to Guest Speaker Kent Abernathy

Memorial Day is one of those annual observances that started small in the Town of Fishers and has grown exponentially as the City of Fishers has grown.  An unseasonably cold, overcast and windy day did not stop the crowd from gathering Monday morning to observe America’s war dead.

El Ahlwardt, Chair of the Fishers Armed Services Commission, provided his usual aplomb serving as the MC of the observance.  Mayor Scott Fadness talked about how his father taught him to “show up” for others in life and how the Fishers Armed Services Commission has shown up for the Fishers community in putting on events such as the Memorial Day service.

Guest Speaker Kent Abernathy, with a long resume that includes a stint as Commissioner of Indiana’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles, talked about how Indiana is among the top states in the nation honoring military veterans.  He told the stories of 2 Indiana service members that lost their lives in Middle East wars.

Here are more photos from the 2024 Memorial Day ceremony in Fishers:

Kent Abernathy talks about service and tells two important stories
Indiana House Speaker Todd Huston talks with attendees
Mayor Scott Fadness spoke with veterans prior to the event


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