HSE Schools to refinance bonds, could save $2.7 million over 10 years

The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board will be receiving recommendations from Chief Financial Officer Katy Dowling to refinance 2 bonds saving more than $2.7 million in interest payments over 10 years.  The bonds, used for buildings and renovations, are eligible to be called and refinanced.

The lower interest rate environment at the present time allows the interest savings over the coming 10 years of bond payments, according to CFO Dowling  The two bonds were originally issued in 2014.

The bond refinancing will be before the school board in the coming weeks.  The issue was discussed as part of the Tuesday morning HSE School Board Finance Committee meeting.

Dowling also told the committee the HSE District currently has a AA debt rating from Standard & Poor.  In order to raise that rating to AA+, Dowling was told the District would need to increase its cash reserves.  Dowling indicated it is not always a good idea for a school district to have a large balance in cash reserves.

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