Thomas A. Weaver Municipal Complex and new City Hall/Arts Center

It was August, 1991.  I had only resided in Fishers for a few months.  There was bad news.

Thomas A. Weaver, a member of the Fishers City Council, was volunteering his time to work at the PGA Championship, being held that year at Crooked Stick Golf Course in Carmel.  A sudden thunderstorm hit the area and Mr. Weaver was struck by lightning and died.

I was new here and never met Mr. Weaver, but if you speak to anyone that did know him, they will sing his praises.  He was a very respected man in Fishers.

If you drive along 116th Street in downtown Fishers you may have seen the sign denoting the entire area along Municipal Drive as the Thomas A. Weaver Municipal Complex.  With a new City Hall under construction, I asked the question of city officials, will Mr. Weaver’s name remain on the Municipal Complex?

I received my answer Monday and the answer is yes, the entire Fishers Municipal Complex will remain named after Mr. Weaver.

But that raised another question in my mind.  I have seen and heard many names for the new facility under construction replacing City Hall and wondered if there is an official name.

The structure replacing the previous City Hall will be named the Fishers Municipal Center.  Within that building, there will be an arts side named the Fishers Arts Center and Theatre/Administrative side named City Hall.

The new Fishers Municipal Center is taking shape and should be open late this spring, if all goes as planned.

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