It is Tuesday, November 7, 2023…time for our once-every-four-year city election here in Fishers. In this election cycle, there is an additional item on the ballot – an operational funding measure for Hamilton Southeastern Schools.
First, if you are cutting it close getting to the polls before the 6pm deadline, do not fear if you happen to see a line of voters waiting. Indiana law says as long as you are in line by 6pm, you will be allowed to vote.
Indiana is one of only 6 states offering a straight-party voting option, meaning you can vote for either Republicans or Democrats across the board. However, the straight-party option does not apply when voting for at-large city council members. You must individually cast those votes. There are 5 candidates on the Fishers ballot, you are allowed to cast a vote for up to 3 of the 5.
Also, a straight-party vote will not register on the HSE Schools referendum, that requires a separate selection by the voter.
Although there is no mayor race in this Fishers election (Scott Fadness is unopposed for another term) the city council election has been an interesting set of races to watch.
I plan to be in Noblesville at the Judicial Center for the vote count tonight and will update the numbers as I get them here at