Just days after accepting the resignation of Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools Superintendent Dr. Yvonne Stokes, the school board hired the firm of “Administrative Assistance” to provide mentoring services for interim HSE Superintendent Matt Kegley, and will begin the search for a new permanent superintendent in mid-November, after the November vote on the referendum.
Steve Wittenauer, owner of Administrative Assistance, provided an overview of what his firm will provide to the school district. He emphasized that any new superintendent, especially an interim one, needs some mentoring.
There was some board member discussion about voting separately on the mentoring and search components of the contract, but once Board President Dawn Lang clarified that the bulk of the superintendent search would begin after the referendum vote, the board unanimously approved both parts of the pact.
Administrative Assistance will charge $750 per day for mentoring sessions, plus mileage reimbursement. A flat fee of $15,000 will be billed for the permanent superintendent search, with mileage reimbursement.
You can read the entire contract at this link.