I have watched more than 10 budget public hearings during my time covering the Fishers Town and City Councils. Rarely has a member of the public spoken-up during the required public hearing.
There were 3 members of the public that stepped up to the podium and offered their remarks about the city’s 2024 spending plan. There were comments on the size of the cash reserves and how the money will be spent, whether the city should be spending money on a program aimed at the local schools and questioning what is happening at Geist Waterfront Park. There were suggestions on whether the city should take bids on service contracts. There were compliments on the bike trails proposed but ideas on how the city should develop a transit system.
Councilors Todd Zimmerman and Jocelyn Vare said it is proper to include support for HSE Schools in the city budget as the mayor has proposed.
Now that the public hearing has been held and first reading done on the budget ordinance, a final vote on the 2024 city budget will come in the October meeting.
The city’s Director of Human Resources Ethan Lee presented the salary ordinance for first reading, with a final vote coming next month. Some new positions are included in the 2024 budget, with some changes in job titles.
A new position of Chief of Staff will be created, with the City Attorney’s job title switched to Corporation Counsel. The Health Department will add a Deputy Director of Finance & Operations. A new position will be need as Director of the new Community Center and Membership Manager. The Department of Public Works will add an Inventory Control Specialist. There will be an updated position title for the Chief Information Security Officer, with new positions added to the IT operation. The Police Department will add 1 part-time School Resource Officer. City employees will receive a 5% raise, including elected officials.
For elected officials, the mayor is slated to receive $6,264.62 bi-weekly ($162,880 a year). City Councilors will get $934.12 every 2 weeks ($24,287 for the year). The entire 2024 proposed salary ordinance is available at this link.
In other items before the Council Monday night:
–A Riverfront District Designation received final Council approval, and encompasses a large area of the city based on the state law. This will free up many more liquor licenses for small restaurants.
–Final approval was provided to Sandstone/Gray Eagle allowing a new restaurant and netting as protection from the golf course.
–There was a swearing-in ceremony for 8 new Fishers Police Officers.