HSE School Board cancels August 30th Special Meeting

The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools announced late Friday morning the special board meeting scheduled for 7am, Wednesday, August 30, has been cancelled.  The only item on the agenda was the proposed removal of the HSE Schools appointee to the Hamilton East Library, Andre Miksha.

There is no word on whether this simply postpones the proposed action by the board president or if the matter is being shelved for now.

In an e-mail, Mr. Miksha says as of 2pm Friday, he has received no communication from HSE Board President Dawn Lang since August 2nd, so he was not informed the August 30 meeting had been cancelled until he found out elsewhere.

In a statement posted on her Facebook account, HSE Board President Dawn Lang does not directly address the cancellation of the August 30th board meeting, but reiterates the need to pass the November election school funding referendum so the district does not lose roughly $26 million annually. Lang says the referendum should be the priority “right now.”

Here is the text of Dawn Lang’s full statement, posted on her school board Facebook page:


Statement on cancelling the August 30th meeting:
We are focused on our school district and efforts to support passing the upcoming Operational Referendum. It is important that this be our priority right now as we start the new school year.
Hamilton Southeastern Schools is the third lowest funded in the state for per pupil dollars out of 371 school systems. If the referendum does not pass, HSE Schools will lose $26 million in revenue that directly supports student academics.
It is imperative that we pass a referendum that will continue to fund and expand essential safety initiatives, maintain class sizes, retain and attract teachers, and fund academic and education related programs.

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