New John Green T-Shirt compounds image challenge for Fishers

When Indianapolis-based author John Green sent a social media message saying “You won’t catch me alive or dead in Fishers” until the Hamilton East Library Board reverses its policy that removed his book from the teen section, and it was reported in the state’s largest newspaper, The Indianapolis Star, that was not a positive development for the image of our city.

When People Magazine posted a story about this dispute on its national Web site, that was even worse news for our city.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, there is now a T-Shirt being sold with the quote in large letters, according to a story posted on the WISH-TV News Web site.

Even though Fishers is singled out in this story, it is important to remind everyone the City of Fishers does not appoint any of the Hamilton East Library Board members.  There are two appointees each by the Noblesville School Board, Hamilton County Commissioners and the Hamilton County Council.  The Hamilton Southeastern School Board appoints one member.

As a resident of Fishers since 1991, it is sad to see such a public relations nightmare for my city, which consists of so many good people.  I try to be an optimist when I can, but it is difficult to see a positive way out of this situation.

9 thoughts on “New John Green T-Shirt compounds image challenge for Fishers

  1. Perhaps all of the nonsense in the library and schools should stop, as well as the you are not included fees at Geist Water Park. Let’s not forget unnecessary dress codes and removing microagresions as part of the student handbook about discrimination. Sometimes even those reporting needs to take a stand against this abuse. It’s not surprising due to the views of a few that seem to be wielding their powers. It’s not that the Star is reporting on this but that all of this is happening in Fishers. The Mayor has a lot influence and if our town really wanted to resolve this they would figure out a way. For now the silence from those in our little city government speaks loudly.

    1. Erika,

      I completely agree that the silence from Scott Fadness regarding the extreme policies of school board members Lang, Albright, Thomas, Pascoe, and Orr, along with the censorship promoted by library board members Maddalone, Beckwith, Alerding, and Ditlevson is very telling. I told Scott so at last week’s Farmer’s Market. Scott expressed that he is not a fan of the culture wars.
      However, I have a hard time reconciling that with the fact that he has not spoken out against these ridiculous policies and culture war garbage. I true leader would not support this unnecessary culture war nonsense. I have voted for Scott Fadness in the past, but those days are over because I cannot support anyone that does not speak out and reign in those who promote division and censorship.

  2. One small correction. I believe that the entire HSE School Board does not appoint one library board member, but only the school board president. The current president has openly called for removal of the appointee of the former board president, a person who has opposed the censorship underway at the library, for no other reason than his opposition to that censorship, which also is wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars.

    1. Yes, Greg, the president of the school board is the one to make the appointment, but the appointment comes from the HSE Schools.

  3. Wow ! Since when is moving books to an age appropriate section become so controversial ! Moving books to a age appropriate section isn’t book banning. For gods sake you can still check out the book! When did protecting the innocence of children become a hard NO! Some of the community members are unhinged and completely out of line. Just look at the lefty lunatic that was arrested at the library meeting recently.

    1. The books were in an age appropriate part of the library. The issue is that they’re moving age appropriate books *out* of the childrens section of the library and to the adult (general) collection where they will be mixed with books that very well may contain content not appropriate for all ages of children.

    2. They are going extreme about what is getting moved to the adult section and they are destroying the teen section, under the disguise that it’s porn, but it’s so much more than that. All they do is reference the same 3 or 4 sex ed books over again, and they are ones that have already moved. This is not about protecting the innocence of children, as we are now sending those same kids to the adult section to find teen appropriate books (like the Fault in our Stars) right next to even more adult content…. and we are wasting tax dollars in the process of something that evades common sense. They even rejected the idea of a mature content teen section, which would have been the solution to all of this. We need to stop this nonsense at the library. It’s censorship (yes, it is when you are making books less accessible to the intended audience), it’s out of touch with reality, and it’s a waste of time, energy and resources.

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