IndyStar & Hamilton East Library

I have been busy with family matters in recent days and haven’t had time to write about what is happening with the Hamilton East Library lately, so the Indianapolis Star has published two stories, one on moving a John Green book from the youth to the general collection of the library, and another about the efforts to remove a library board member.

First, Rachel Fradette wrote a story posted Wednesday on the IndyStar Web site about John Green’s reaction to having his book, “The Fault in Our Stars,” moved from the teen section to the general collection of the Hamilton East Libraries.  This is part of implementing the policy handed down by the library board to review every book in the teen section, and evaluate each book’s content based on the board’s policy of suitability for teens.

Green’s response came on Twitter (now known as X).  He pulled no punches:

“This is ludicrous.  It is about teenagers and I wrote it for teenagers. Teenagers are not harmed by reading TFIOS.”

The second part of Mr. Green’s Tweet will be unsettling to officials in Fishers:

“I only have a small voice in these decisions, of course, but you won’t catch me alive or dead in Fishers, Indiana until these ridiculous policies are revoked,  which I guess means no Top Golf or IKEA for a while.”

Read Ms. Fradette’s story at this link.

The second story was co-written by Rachel Fradette & John Tuohy, posted on the IndyStar Web site Wednesday afternoon.

The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board has scheduled a 7am meeting Wednesday August 30, for a public hearing, citing a state statute addressing the removal of library board members in Indiana.

Andre Miksha was appointed to the Hamilton East Library Board by the previous HSE Board President Julie Chambers.  According to the Star reporting, Miksha has been told by current Board President Dawn Lang that she intends to remove him as the school district’s representative on the Hamilton East Board  because of his voting record.

I have reached out to Mr. Miksha for any comment ahead of the August 30 meeting, but he declined at this time, saying he will make his case before the school board August 30.

For the in-depth and well reported story, use this link.

(NOTE:  You may have difficulty accessing the IndyStar stories linked above if your are not a subscriber.  Online subscriptions to the IndyStar are very inexpensive.  I encourage you to support your local media.)

3 thoughts on “IndyStar & Hamilton East Library

  1. I have lived in Fishers for 36 years, my kids went to HSE schools/Fishers High school. They were and are voracious readers, the library didn’t even always have all of the books they wanted so the Used Book Stores were a common weekend run looking for new books. Fantasy and Sci-fi were the most common. We could open a little library from what we have in our home yet a high percentage of these wonderful books are being scrutinized because if a political agenda being allowed to take over our library board. It’s a disgrace for Fishers to not step in and find a way to stop this “witch hunt” against books. I lost faith in our city and our state in the past year caving to extremism of a vocal few most likely for political funding that is happening across most red states. It’s not the majority of the people who have such views, but I’m surprised at how little people pay attention and that’s how this can happen. We have little accountability in our government with a supermajority rubber stamp. In better news happy to see Ohio voters rejected the proposed change with a special unnecessary election this week! At least they are paying attention!

  2. If you are going to reach out to one named in a story, should you not reach out to all parties? I have always liked seeing you at city council meetings and felt you to be a very neutral true reporter. As of late your political leaning are showing. Disappointing!

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