Fishers One, Sarah Parks-Reese & HSEqual

Supporting teachers and politics have come together and created a controversy within Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools.

It all started with a news release issued Wednesday morning from a local organization, Fishers One, accusing HSE Board Member Sarah Parks-Reese with social media messages on her school board Facebook account,  encouraging people to buy car magnets going to a fund supporting HSE Teachers, when the money was going to a political action committee for the local group HSEqual.

Ms. Parks-Reese responds that HSEqual has committed and publicly stated that all proceeds from the sale of these car magnets will be donated by the HSEqual Political Action Committee (PAC) to the HSE Foundation to help fund additional teacher grant opportunities.  “I honestly can’t think of a better way to support our teachers with both visual and financial support,” said Parks-Reese.

For those that may be “uncomfortable” with using the HSEqual PAC as a conduit to support HSE teachers, Parks-Reese says it “is not in my ability to regulate or control.  There is no law or policy that prohibits any group from fundraising in the name of teachers, nor is there a law that specifies what financial conduit that group can or cannot use.”

As to using her HSE Facebook page to encourage purchases of the car magnets, Parks-Reese contends that doing so “does not violate Indiana Code or HSE District policy and for any group to claim or infer that I was being dishonest or disingenuous in my post is a personal attack.”

Fishers One, in its Wednesday release, described HSEqual as “a far-left leaning organization.”  Jaimie Cairnes of HSEqual responds,”HSEqual is not a far anything organization. We are an organization committed to supporting equity in our schools.”

Ms.Cairnes says HSEqual used the PAC as a conduit to support teachers because it easier to process payments.  She adds that the HSEqual PAC will be announcing a contribution to the group supporting the upcoming school referendum, the Advance HSE PAC.  So far, Fishers One has not supported the upcoming operating referendum for HSE Schools.

14 thoughts on “Fishers One, Sarah Parks-Reese & HSEqual

  1. Fishers One has a funny way of twisting things to fit their narrative. The only thing they’ve added to our community is division, misinformation and hateful rhetoric. As far as HSEqual? I’m a proud member and a lifelong registered Republican. Standing up for the equitable treatment of all students while supporting our educators transcends hyper-partisan politics.

  2. Anyone worried about any kind of donation should take a moment and review the donations registered to the 4 newest school board members. Fairs fair! Cherry picking concerns isn’t a good look—it shows how the new 4 members are far more interested in playing politics. Remember when Ben Orr went on conservative talk shows? No outcry there! Do as I say not as I do has no place here.

  3. The source for the initial complaint is Diane Eaton who founded Moms for Liberty, a hate group who will stop at virtually nothing to take others down. She is the one who quoted Hitler and put Hamilton County on the map nationwide. So please consider the source of this disingenuous concern. What we have is a woman who will do all she can to take others down who don’t subscribe to her beliefs. Shame on her for trying to ruin something positive for our teachers.

    The magnets are nothing more than a way to tell our educators how valued they are and a way to give back to them. Everyone should know by now that teachers need more support. They were so well received that it was more than any private individual would want to run through their personal finances so someone graciously offered a solution. It is obviously difficult for Diane Eaton and others who aren’t as civic minded to understand the desire to make it possible to give back to the teachers and lift them up when they so desperately need it right now.

    Some people have the need to search for problems when they don’t exist just to take others down. This is the perfect example.

    1. There are so many inaccuracies in this post, but let’s start with – Diane Eaton did not found Moms for Liberty. Moms for Liberty is a national organization. Paige Miller is the Indiana Chapter Chair.

    2. Stop stays it’s a hate group. It isn’t. But if you actually believe anything g julie Cambers is involved with isn’t political I have some magic beans to sell you! She can’t keep her mouth shut on social media… she is a mouth piece for the liberals! Fulhart is no different.

      1. Based on their behavior, it’s easy to make the conclusing that they are a hate group. You’re welcom to your opinion, of course.

    1. Diane Eaton started and is CEO of FishersOne, the hyper-partisan group making the complaint agains the board member and hyperbolic claim about HSE Equal. Her group started the division within the Fishers community and have helped connect the extremist HSE board and library members into local politics

      1. If you go to the Fishers Democratic Club on FB, HSEQual has been going to their meetings.
        I don’t think you can say this anymore, Catharine.
        Look at the Fishers Democratic Club page.

  4. When someone is accused of wrongdoing/misleading and their first response includes something to the effect of “it’s not against the law”, you have to dig deeper. This is 101 and should be standard practice for how we interact with anyone who chooses to “serve” the public, especially schools and children. Even if no laws/rules are broken, it calls into question the judgment and decision making of someone who is in a position of influence over the most vulnerable and impressionable in our society. This person voluntarily chose to run for and accept a position on the school board. Every single action that person makes during their time on the board is subject to public scrutiny.

    1. I’m sorry. This “pinky swear” promise that none of these funds processed by Act Blue going will be used for anything but non-partisan Foundation work needs to produce the records to substantiate it. It was optically a really poor decision. There were other more direct ways to raise money for the Foundation – like having the Foundation actually run it.

    1. HSEqual is not a political or partisan group. I’m a lifelong Republican who’s worked for the party at the National, State and Local level. I’ve found everyone involved in HSEqual to be very welcoming and kind. I’ve been very upfront about my political affiliation and it’s a non-issue. The goal is for all students to be treated with respect and dignity regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc…. Successful students and schools. That’s it. It seems like something that everyone should be able to get behind. Frankly it says a lot more about Fishers One, who is sadly trying to smear them publicly. This “issue” they’ve manufactured is nothing more than a means to continue causing division, mistrust and animosity in our community. I’m extremely disappointed at the Republicans here who seem hell bent on causing trouble. A false campaign of failing schools doesn’t seem to be about the kids at all.

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