HAMCO Emergency Management: Watch for slight risk of damaging winds & heavy rainfall overnight

Storms are possible (slight risk) in southern Hamilton County early Monday morning.  That’s the word from Hamilton County Emergency Management in a message sent around 2:30om Sunday.

Below is the full text of that statement:


We continue to monitor the latest forecast and model runs for this evening’s severe weather potential. There is a slight risk of severe weather for the county’s southern half. The main threats are damaging winds and heavy rainfall producing localized flooding. The timing for the most intense weather in Hamilton County is estimated to be between midnight and 3:00 a.m.

We recommend you have a weather radio to notify you of severe weather and treat severe thunderstorm warnings like a tornado warning. Make sure you have a flashlight charged or with fresh batteries, your phone charged, and plan on what to do for severe weather.


For more information on emergency preparedness, visit www.ready.gov.

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