I am writing this on July 20th, because I just realized we are less than three weeks until students report for another school year at Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools, Wednesday, August 9th.
This brought back a memory from the past that remains fresh in my mind. My twin daughters are now 29, so it was around 1999 when Jane & I took Allison and Mary to Harrison Parkway Elementary School for the gathering before the start of school. They both had the chance to look around their new school for the first time and rode a school bus for the very first time.
I am thinking about the many parents throughout the Fishers area, preparing to send their kindergartners to school. it is a big moment for parents and child to enter the school for the first time.
This is the time of year families are already preparing for the start of school, but getting-in as much summer vacation as possible as the clock ticks.
So, to all the families with children in HSE Schools, and to all the teachers & staff preparing for another school year, have a good one!