George Kehl basically created the Fishers Police Department, a force of just a handful of men initially, and retired as the city’s Chief of Police after seeing massive growth. But George Kehl was not done with Fishers upon his retirement from law enforcement. He then went to work handling inventory for the Fishers Department of Public Works (DPW,) which he continues to handle to this day.
At Monday night’s Fishers City Council meeting, DPW Director Eric Pethtel issued a certificate to Mr. Kehl honoring him for 45 years of service to the city. George Kehl is the first person ever to have completed 45 years of service to Fishers.
Another Kehl was honored Monday night, this time Scott Kehl for his 30 years of service to the Police Department. Barb Hathaway was recognized for 25 years serving the billing department in Emergency Services and then handling vital records for the Fishers Health Department