It will be another busy week of road construction throughout Fishers and the surrounding area.
Here is the complete listing for the work week beginning May 8th, as provided by the City of Fishers:
To learn more about the State Road 37 Improvement Project and sign up to receive text updates, visit
A pre-construction phase at SR 37 & 141st Street is currently in place. During this phase, 141st Street will be a Right-In-Right-Out (RIRO) traffic configuration.
This is not the permanent configuration. This will allow for traffic to flow more freely along SR 37 until the next phases of construction can be activated. This will eliminate backups along SR 37 that have caused dangerous stops to the free flow traffic and backups on the 146th Street interchange. Again, this is not the permanent configuration for 141st Street. The full timeline for the 141st Street interchange will be provided after project bids are accepted in the Summer of 2023. View detour routes here.
To learn more about the Clear Path Improvement Project and sign up to receive text and email updates, visit
I-465 & I-69
Drivers will see an increase in construction along the I-69 corridor in the coming months. This work will focus on reconfiguring the interchange at I-465 and I-69. New ramps will provide direct movements from eastbound I-465 and northbound I-465 to northbound I-69. Binford Blvd. will also be reconstructed to separate local traffic from traffic entering and exiting I-69 and I-465. Access to I-69 from Binford Blvd. will remain open. Drivers can expect to see significant activity on I-69 at the 82nd Street interchange.
The ramp from I-69 North to 82nd Street and the ramp from 82nd Street to I-69 North is currently closed through late 2023. For detour routes and additional project information, visit
To learn more about the Nickel Plate Trail, view the Capital Project Dashboard here.
The City of Fishers is working on the completion of the Fishers portion of the Nickel Plate Trail. The remaining paving work from 96th Street to 106th Street is underway, and construction crews are currently working to clear and prep the area for paving. In the coming weeks, construction crews will begin the paving process.
There are daily lane closures currently on Cumberland Road, just south of 126th Street for sanitary and water line work. The northbound right turn lane and the southbound passing blister will be closed.
126th STREET
During the week of May 8th, lane restrictions will be in place on 126th Street between Granite Ridge Circle and Westmorland Drive for storm manhole work.
Please be advised, beginning on or after Tuesday, May 16, Phase 1 of construction for the grade separation intersection improvement will begin at 146th Street and Allisonville Road. One thru lane and one left turn lane in all directions will be closed through the intersection.
Closures of Sowers Drive and Saville Road at 146th Street will be necessary in June. Additional notifications will be provided prior to the closures. In addition to these closures, the worksite speed limit will be 35 mph. Please exercise caution while driving through this construction zone.
For additional project information, visit Hamilton County website here.
During the week of May 8th, Duke Energy will be tree trimming on 116th Street, between Cumberland Road and Brooks School Road. Lane restrictions will be in place between 9 am and 3 pm.
106TH STREETUtility relocation is currently taking place at
106th Street and Hoosier Road as part of the roundabout project. For additional project information, view the Capital Project Dashboard
During the week of May 8th, Duke Energy will be tree trimming on 106th street west of Geist Road. Lane restrictions will be in place between 9 am and 3 pm.
BROOKS SCHOOL ROADDuring the week of May 8th, Duke Energy will be tree trimming on Brooks School Road, between Fall Creek Road and 116th Street. Lane restrictions will be in place between 9 am and 3 pm.
GEIST ROADDuring the week of May 8th, Duke Energy will be tree trimming on Geist Road, between 106th Street and 111th Street. Lane restrictions will be in place between 9 am and 3 pm.
FALL CREEK ROADCitizens Energy Group is mobilizing the lift station on Fall Creek Road near Geist Woods Way, resulting in the closure of Fall Creek Trail in the area until the project is complete in August.
During the week of may 8th, Duke Energy will be tree trimming on Fall Creek Road between Brooks School Road and Bridgewater Road. Lane restrictions will be in place between 9 am and 3 pm.
GEIST GREENWAYStone is currently being placed between 126
th Street and Valley Crossing Drive as part of the Geist Greenway Project. When material is brought in, there will be an increase in construction traffic. Traffic will be briefly stopped as trucks are entering and exiting the road. 126
th Street is anticipated to be closed starting June 1
st to construct the speed table and trail crossing. Traffic will be briefly stopped as trucks are entering and exiting the road. For general project information, please visit
ADA ramp and curb reconstruction is currently taking place in Wildwood Estates as part of the 2023 Resurfacing Project. Homeowners will be notified via door hangers prior to any curb restoration near their home. After ADA ramp and curb reconstruction is completed, those areas will be restored with topsoil and seed. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to water the seed for the seed to germinate. Prior to road resurfacing, residents will be notified via street signage for street parking restrictions.
Beginning on Sunday, May 14, overnight lane restrictions will be in place on Fall Creek Road between 96th Street/Carroll Road and Brooks School Road as part of Phase 1 milling and resurfacing work. Phase 1 is anticipated to be completed by Friday, May 19. View map here.
For additional project information and to view detailed exhibits, view the Capital Project Dashboard here.