The sun shone brightly, with just a breeze in the air that occasionally shuffled papers. The birds were singing as a sign that summer is here. The setting was the Fishers Nickel Plate Amphitheater and the ceremony honored America’s war dead on this Memorial Day, 2023.
Mayor Scott Fadness remarked the Town of Fishers 15 years ago was fortunate to have 10-15 people on hand for a Memorial Day event. In 2023, the crowd was large.
Retired Army Lieutenant General Thomas M Montgomery was the guest speaker. He served in Europe with NATO and spent time in Belgium. He noted the cemeteries located there going back as for as World War I as a resting place for American and European troops giving their lives on the battle field. He talked about the daughter of one American in that cemetery and how she realized having her father buried in a far-away place wasn’t what she imagined because those living in Belgium today continue to honor the war dead, American and local soldiers. He also talked about his service in Vietnam and what it was like returning home from that conflict.
Mayor Scott Fadness praised members of the Fishers Armed Service Commission, a body created in recent years to plan events such as Memorial Day in Fishers.
Chairman of the Commission, retired Navy Commander El Ahlwardt, also served as Master of Ceremonies for this Memorial Day in Fishers, as he has done so often and so skillfully.
Many items on the ceremonial agenda have become part of the Memorial Day tradition in Fishers, including the POW-MIA Remembrance, Presentation of Colors by the Fishers Police Department Honor Guard, benediction and the playing of taps.
Hamilton Southeastern Schools Superintendent sang the national anthem.
Here are some photos from the 2023 Fishers Memorial Day observance: