As 2022 draws to a close, it is once again time for me to list the top 15 Fishers news stories of the year. As I write every year, this is my list and my list alone. Most news organizations have endless, stormy meetings about a list like this. Since I write this blog alone, the list is mine alone.
I do not present myself as the expert on this and realize many of you will disagree with some of what I listed and what is not included here, and that is fine. Something like this normally provokes discussion and, yes, sometimes, arguments.
So, feel free to react in any way you wish, but here we go, my top 15 Fishers news stories for 2022:
15. Geist Waterfront Park unveiled The city completed this new park on Geist Reservoir just in time for winter. So, the Parks & Recreation Department allowed people to walk around the new facility, even if the weather may not be the best. So, on a cold, windy November Saturday, more than 500 people braved the conditions to have a look at the latest local park. The ribbon-cutting for Geist Waterfront Park is expected in March of 2023.
14. John Wechsler moves on John Wechsler founded Launch Fishers, a very successful co-working space. John has moved on from day-to-day work at Launch to join a startup firm “spokenote,” a company that adds a video touch to almost any product. Mayor Scott Fadness awarded the Key to the City to Wechsler during 2022.
13. HSE Schools lose case at Indiana Supreme Court Fishers High School Varsity Football Coach Rick Wimmer was suspended more than 6 years ago, and Television Station WTHR’s investigative unit in the news department took HSE Schools to court when the TV station did not believe it received a response consistent with law, revealing the factual basis for Mr. Wimmer’s suspension. The Indiana Supreme Court Justices ruled unanimously that the HSE Schools must disclose more facts about that suspension.
12. Verizon 5G towers Fishers was chosen to be one of the first communities in the state to begin the move toward very fast 5G wireless Internet connections through towers placed in neighborhoods. As the requests were filed with the city, most were approved but some were not if the placement would, for example, ruin a homeowner’s view out a large window. Many neighborhoods and individual residents complained about the placement of many 5G towers, but state & federal law limited the city’s ability to deny a tower request. In April, Verizon stopped filing requests for 5G towers in Fishers with no explanation.
11. Fishers Marching Tiger Band going to the 2023 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade It was a big day for the Fishers High School marching band when it was announced the Tigers would participate in the 2023 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City.
10. State Road 37 construction progress Interchanges along State Road 37 at 131st & 146th Streets were opened in 2022, which was a relief to local motorists. However, there is one point along that highway in Fishers yet to be completed. High inflation, supply chain issues and a worker shortage led to bids for the roundabout on 141st Street to be far above any estimate. City officials described the bids as “not serious.” With underpasses at State Road 37 at 126th, 131st & 146th Streets, drivers were not expecting the stop light at 141st Street, leading to a number of accidents in that area. Fishers plans to convert 141st Street to a right-in right-out as an a “interim” measure. A new round of bidding is expected for the 141st Street interchange roundabout in August of 2023.
9. City Council approves Food & Beverage Tax Fishers plans to construct an Events Center (see #4) and to make the financing package work, Mayor Scott Fadness proposed a Food & Beverage Tax to partially handle the bond payments on the new facility. All municipalities around Fishers already charge this 1% tax on restaurant meals. The City Council enacted the tax in 2022.
8. Nickel Plate Trail tunnel opens underneath 116th Street One major component of opening the Nickel Plate Trail in Fishers was how to handle 116th Street, one of the busiest roadways in the city. Fishers completed construction of the tunnel allowing those using the trail to travel underneath 116th Street. The trail has been a busy place ever since.
7. $98 million development northwest of 96th Street & Allisonville Road Big changes are coming to that area. A roundabout will replace the “Michigan Left” at 96th Street an Allisonville Road. A new city park and a large commercial development area are planned along the White River in that far south part of Fishers. The commercial development is expected to total about $98 million.
6. Police officer Noah Shahnavaz dies in the line of duty Officer Shahnavaz was a Fishers High School graduate and was serving as a police officer in Elwood when he was shot and killed in the line of duty. The suspect in his murder was stopped and arrested in Fishers.
5. Fishers kicks off Sesquicentennial celebration Fishers began as a community when a man named Salathial Fisher began developing the area 150 years ago. 2022 started the celebration and it will continue into 2023.
4. Fishers announces over $1 billion in new developments Although the work had been months in the making, the City of Fishers announced a list of developments totaling more than $1 billion. This includes an expansion of the Fishers District development by Thompson Thrift, a new Events Center next door to be constructed by the city, a major expansion for the Italian the life-science firm Stevanato, and a new headquarters for Andretti Motorsports at the airport next to Ritchey Woods. In addition, during 2022, the city announced a new condo development on 116th Street next to the Nickel Plate Trail, with some units priced at $1 million.
3. Fishers announced a new City Hall with a major Arts Center IN 2022, Fishers announced a complex to be constructed as a major Arts Center and a new City Hall wrapped into one new structure. The old City Hall was demolished and ground was broken for the new facility. The new Arts Center/City Hall is projected to be finished in the spring of 2024.
2. COVID The novel coronavirus has been with us for more than 2 years. As 2022 began, COVID was continuing to spread with more mutations. As the year continued, the vaccine was improved to include the latest variant and treatments also became more effective. COVID is still around, but less a part of our lives as 2022 draws to a close.
And, now the Number 1 news story for 2022 was..
The November Election Many will argue – why choose this as the biggest story of the year? Locally, the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School District is a key component in the fabric of the local community. The 4 new school board members elected in 2022 will consist of the majority on the 7-member board. This is an election that will have a major impact on our local school corporation for the next four years. For that reason, I have chosen the school board election as the number one story of 2022.
So, there you have it. My top 15 Fishers news stories for 2022. Plenty of news stories could not be included just because I had to limit the list to 15. And, if you do not agree with this listing, either what’s on the list or the order in which they are listed, feel free to comment.
2023 will be a very busy year, with the new majority on the school board and all the projects under construction in 2023, it will be worth keeping an eye on the local news scene. And, health permitting, I will be there to cover it.