Fishers Health Department moving toward a grading system for restaurants

If the City Council approves in November, sometime in 2023 you will begin to see placards in Fishers restaurants with a grade attached to their latest inspection by the Health Department

The Fishers City Council gave first reading October 10 to the plan that has already been presented to the city’s Board of Health and explained at a recent City Council work session.  The Council is expected to take a final vote on the proposal in November  The Fishers Health Department has held two Webinars explaining the plans to restaurant owners and managers.

If the City Council provides its final stamp of approval on the plans, the Health Department will begin to utilize the state inspection grading system for restaurant inspections, convert that to numbers and convert the numbers to a letter grade – A, B or C. An eatery with a grade of less than a C (or 60 points) would be temporarily closed and would re-open after all priority violations have been corrected and imminent health hazards eliminated.

How often an establishment is inspected depends on the grade.  For example, a restaurant earning an A grade  would likely be inspected again in about 12 months.  Those with a B grade should expect 1 or 2 more inspections in the same year.  A C grade would result in 3-4 inspections per year.

Fishers Public Health Director Monica Heltz says the Health Department will begin gearing up for the inspection program, if enacted by the City Council, in November, in 2023.

So it is possible you will begin to see those placards at Fishers restaurants with the grade from their Health Department inspection in 2023.

For more details on this program, use this link.