In January of 2023, I will have completed 11 years of writing this local Fishers news blog. It started out fairly simple and straight-forward: I would show up at local meetings and write about what happened.
It has morphed into much more than that. I started producing podcasts over 6 years ago. Most focus on Fishers, some on entertainment. It has been quite a journey.
I tried to quit the blog twice and circumstances have brought me back. I wish I had a nickel for every instance when a local person comes up to me and thanks me for doing what I do. That’s the reason I couldn’t quit and why the blog continues.
But I have a confession to make. I am not getting any younger. I turned 71 years of age about a month ago and see signs of slowing down a bit. I experienced 2 health scares in the last 2 years, but can honestly say my health is not bad right now for a guy my age.
I started thinking a day or so ago that I am not covering everything I once made a point of covering. Here are just a few examples.
When Governor Eric Holcomb chooses to attend an event in Fishers, that is always worth covering. I had even signed-up to be part of the media scrum covering the governor for the ribbon cutting at Genezen, a tech firm expanding in Fishers. I was busy with other things and could not make it.
The Fishers Police Department sponsors a Night Out each year and invites the community to be part of it. I had another meeting to cover and knew I could not do both, so I missed an event I almost always find a way to attend.
Then there was the Keep Fishers Beautiful day October 1st. Normally, I take some photos and publicize the event. This year, I had too many other things to do and could not cover it.
You get the picture. An aging guy trying to cover a growing city and a large school district as one person on a volunteer news blog.
I am not complaining, just explaining that one person cannot cover what’s happening in a place like Fishers these days, particularly someone like me, about 11 years older from the time the blog started.
But let’s look at this another way. Living in a city that is moving forward all the time is a good thing, even if it keeps the senior citizen blogger busier than ever.
The local school district also provides plenty to cover, including a school board election that will elect 4 of the 7 members of the board. Fishers city elections will be on the ballot in 2023.
My point is this – I may not be able to cover everything. There are other local news sources you can turn to if there are stories I don’t get to, but this blog will keep going. Saying the blog will end has not turned out to be correct in the past, so why do it now.
The only reason this blog continues is because of the many comments I receive from you, the readers and the listeners of my podcasts. The number of people reading and listening is amazing to me. Thank you. Let’s see what comes next in Fishers. As long as my health holds out, I expect to cover it right here.