When Brian Meyers resigned his seat on the Hamilton East Public Library Board, the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board needed to appoint someone to fill the remainder of Mr. Meyers’ term.
Thursday night, HSE Board President Julie Chambers announced Andre Miksha will fill the current term on the board, through August, 2025. Mr. Miksha is Chief Deputy Prosecutor for Hamilton County.
“I think we are at a point where boards like this, whether it’s school board or a public library board, are having challenges from a variety of different angles,” Miksha told the school board after his appointment was announced. “We need people who have experience dealing with difficult situations.”
Mr. Miksha’s wife is a teacher in the HSE School District and he is the father of two students in the HSE Schools.
“In selecting the appointee, my main goal was to find someone that would support the mission of both Hamilton Southeastern Schools (HSE) and the Hamilton East Public Library. Andre Miksha’s dedication to public service, his experience within our school district and his commitment to ensuring that our public library system is supported, all contributed to his selection,” said Board President Julie Chambers in an HSE School District news release.
The statutes call for the HSE School Board President to make the appointment, and board members voiced their support for Mr. Miksha’s selection. There were more than 50 applicants for this library board seat.