When the City of Fishers asked citizens for comment on what should be included in an Allisonville Road Corridor study, they chose to come and comment at City Hall. Thursday evening, city officials and the consultant, HWC Engineering, were on hand to answer questions and solicit comments on how Allisonville Road, between 106th and 126th Streets, should be developed.
City Planning and Zoning Director Megan Vukusich says a wide net is being used to get as much comment as possible from people in the area. The Thursday night event is one method, but there have been outreaches at the Farmers Market, a community survey and a steering committee consisting of area residents and property owners.
“We’ll take all these results and put together some recommendations based on these results,” Vukusich tells LarryInFishers.
The overall study should be complete by fall of this year.
In the first half hour of the 2-hour Thursday event, Vukusich says she counted more than 100 people at the City Hall auditorium.
Vukusich emphasized that the feedback from all the outreach activities will determine whether the city will pursue significant redevelopment along that corridor or seek reinvestment in what is there now.