HSE Schools referendum – discussion now, action coming

Katy Dowling talks about the referendum

The referendum tax rate for Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools will expire at the end of 2023, so the school board has decisions to make.  Should the board ask taxpayers to keep the rate where it is?  When should the referendum appear on the ballot, in the May or November elections of 2023?

Those and many other questions were before the board in a 90-minute work session held Tuesday morning.

The current referendum rate adds 22.75 cents (per $100 of assed valuation) to the local property tax rate.  There were many questions asked by board members and a number of comments made, but no member indicated publicly they plan to oppose the referendum vote.

HSE Chief Financial Officer Katy Dowling pointed out that HSE, the fourth-largest school corporation in the state, is in the bottom three in state financial support per student, along with Zionsville and Carmel.  Without the referendum funding, Dowling told the board that 15% would need to be cut from the HSE Schools budget, which would amount to $25 million per year.

Assistant Superintendent Matt Kegley reminded the board that 90% of that budget goes to the people employed by the school district.

Dowling also reminded board members that state law requires the language on the referendum ballot to use the word “increase” four times, even if the board asks taxpayers for a renewal of the current referendum rate.

The board must also decide whether to hire an outside firm to help with the referendum campaign.

Board President Julie Chambers said a referendum recommendation for the board should be ready for consideration by the end of August or early September.  There could also be another work session scheduled to further discuss plans for the referendum.

Board President Julie Chambers (left) & School Supt. Yvonne Stokes watch the board discussion