HSE Board to discuss next year’s referendum vote later this summer

The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board will be facing decisions on how to handle the expiring operating referendum vote to be held in 2023.  School officials tell LarryInFishers board discussions on where to go on that issue should begin later this summer.

Local voters approved the last operating referendum in 2016, with more than 70% of the electorate voting in favor.  That vote set a property tax referendum rate of 22.75 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. The extra funds were utilized to increase staff salaries, reduce class sizes in the lower grades and support a mental health program.

Under Indiana law in 2016, operating referenda lasted seven years.  State lawmakers have changed the rules since, with a referendum vote now continuing for eight years.

The board must make a number of decisions on how to approach the 2023 referendum vote.  One issue is whether the board will authorize the hiring of a private consultant to handle the referendum.

School board President Julie Chambers says three potential consultants have been interviewed by school officials, but the process was delayed due to an illness on the part of one of the consultants.  If the board decides to hire a consultant, no decision has been made on how to pay the consulting fees.

It is expected that a Political Action Committee (PAC) will be formed to advocate for the referendum.  In 2016, the school district formed a PAC but did not hire a consultant.

Whether or not a consultant is hired, the board has some important decisions to make on the referendum.  The most important is how much to ask of the voters.  The board could ask the public to keep the referendum rate where it is, at 22.75 cents.  But board members could also choose to lower or raise the rate it is requesting.

The board must also agree on the exact wording to be used on the referendum ballot, although state law dictates much of that language.

Another important decision is whether to place the measure on the ballot in the May primary or the November general election.  2023 will see a local city election in Fishers, with the offices of mayor, city clerk, city judge and 9 council seats on the ballot.  The referendum would also be on that ballot, either in the May primary or November general election.

Bottom line, local residents should know more about the 2023 HSE Schools referendum in the coming months.

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