Moms Demand Action is a national organization that argues for gun safety. June 3rd is the normal time of year for their gatherings, but recent mass shootings have put an emphasis on their work.
At Fishers City Hall, the group gathered Friday night for one of the events happening throughout the state and nation. It is always tricky to estimate, but I would guess there were 50-60 supporters of Moms Demand Action on hand to support the orange shirts.
During the speeches, it was noted that Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard and Westfield Mayor Andy Cook both issued proclamations in support of Wear Orange. Although Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness did not issue a proclamation or similar statement, the speakers noted that the city allowed the Wear Orange group to gather at Fishers City Hall.
I recorded a brief video with Wear Orange spokesperson Patricia Rettig, and she explained why the color orange has so much meaning for Moms Demand Action. View the video at the link below.