Saturday, May 14 was a very busy day in Fishers. It was the first day the downtown Nickel Plate Trail tunnel was open to the public. It was a beautiful spring morning for the Fishers Farmers Market. But there was another noteworthy event that day – Hope for Happiness.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and two student-led groups, the Fishers High School and Hamilton Southeastern High Schools’ Bring Change to Mind student clubs, worked together, bringing Hope for Happiness to the municipal complex.
There were booths staffed by a number of local organizations that have mental health as part of their work in the Fishers community.
In the past, the Hope for Happiness was a separate event at a separate time, but in 2022 it was held as part of the Farmers Market and the booths were busy when I visited the area. Hopefully, more people were able to check out the organizations this year.
Below are a few photos from Saturday’s Hope for Happiness.