FPD reminder on city golf cart ordinance

Fishers has had an ordinance on the books for some time governing the use of golf carts on streets.  With warm weather here and golf carts in regular use, the Fishers Police Department reminds local residents that golf carts are only allowed within streets of local neighborhoods that have finished a process setup by the city allowing golf carts on those streets.

So far only the following neighborhoods have gone through the city ordinance process to allow golf carts on their streets:  Britton Falls, Thorpe Creek, Intracoastal At Geist and Graystone.

Police issued the following release Wednesday:


The Fishers Police Department would like to remind residents of the city’s local ordinance concerning the use and operation of golf carts. Fishers’ City Ordinance No. 090214D (codified at §94.02 of the Code of Ordinances) authorizes the use of golf carts on some neighborhood streets if the following conditions have been met:

1. Fishers has determined that golf carts may be safely operated on the streets within

the specific neighborhood;

2. A threshold amount (75 percent or higher) of property owners in the neighborhood have voted in favor of allowing golf carts within the neighborhood and the results of the election have been certified; and

3. The proper signage in the designated locations has been placed.

Golf carts shall not be operated on the public streets of Fishers except in full compliance with the provisions of this section. Currently, Britton Falls, Thorpe Creek, Intracoastal At Geist and Graystone are the only neighborhoods, in Fishers, to be in full compliance with the provisions of this section.




a) Hours of Operation. Golf Carts shall only be operated on designated streets from sunrise

to sunset unless such golf cart is equipped with headlights, taillights, brake lights,

seatbelts, turn signals, and rearview mirror.

b) Right-of-Way. The operator of a golf cart shall yield the right-of-way to overtaking

motor vehicles.

c) Streets. Golf carts may only be used on streets designated within the establish

neighborhood or other Fishers’ approved neighborhood areas. Nothing in this policy

shall be construed to apply to or limit the use of golf carts on golf courses or private


d) Fishers Property and Sidewalks. Golf carts shall not be operated on any sidewalk,

pedestrian walkway, multi-use path, or trail or any other non-designated public ways.

The only exception to this use is of golf carts on Fishers’ municipal property for official


e) Golf Cart Capacity. The seating capacity, normally no more than four (4) passengers,

shall not be exceeded nor shall the operator or any passenger be permitted to stand while

the golf cart is in operation.

f) Parking. Golf carts may only be parked in the same manner and at the same places

designated for parking of motor vehicles. The stopping, standing, or parking of golf carts

in areas where parking is not allowed or in any place that impede the flow of traffic,

pedestrian walkways, or a passageway is prohibited.

g) Alcohol Use. No person under the influence of an alcoholic beverage shall operate or be in control of any golf cart operated within the neighborhood. No golf cart shall have an open alcoholic beverage container aboard while in operation.

h) Valid License Required. Only persons possessing a valid driver’s license issued by the State of Indiana, another state of the United States, or an international agency shall be permitted to operate a golf cart on Fishers streets.




a) Disclaimer. Golf carts are not designed for or manufactured to be used on public streets, and Fishers neither advocates nor endorses the golf cart as a safe means of travel on public streets. Fishers in no way shall be liable for accidents, injuries, or death involving the operation of a golf cart.

b) Assumption of Risk. Any person who owns, operates, or rides upon a golf cart on a

public street within the designated use area does so at his/her own risk and peril and

assumes all liability resulting from the operation of the golf cart.

c) “Proof of Financial Responsibility”. Shall mean, pursuant to Ind. Code §9-25-2-3, proof of ability to respond in damages for liability that arises out of the ownership,

maintenance, or use of a Golf Cart in the following amounts:

1) Twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) because of bodily injury to or death of

any one (1) person;

2) Subject to the limit in subdivision (1), fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) because of

bodily injury to or death of two (2) or more persons in any one (1) accident; and

3) Ten thousand dollars ($10,000) because of injury to or destruction of property in

any one (1) accident.




Fishers shall issue a uniform ordinance violation citation (as outlined in the golf cart ordinance) to any person violating a provision of this policy in the following amounts which shall be processed by and paid to Fishers’ Ordinance Violation Bureau as follows:

  1. First Offense: Fifty Dollars ($50.00);
  1. Second Offense within one (1) year: One Hundred Dollars ($100.00); and
  1. Third offense and any additional offense within (1) year: Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00)