I began my LarryInFishers.com local news blog in January 0f 2012. It wasn’t long after that when something new was being presented to the Fishers Town Council.
The town, with the recommendation of then-Town-Manager Scott Fadness, decided to fund a business start-up incubator in the basement of the Hamilton East Library in Fishers, which was not being used for anything else at that time.
The Town Council voted to provide the funding, around $200,000 to $400,000 if my memory serves me correctly. What happened next was an explosion of entrepreneurial energy.
John Wechsler and Fadness envisioned a place somewhere between starting your new business on the home kitchen table and renting office space. The idea was to grow local businesses that would remain here and grow the economy of Fishers.
Any way you measure, Launch Fishers was and is a success. Wechsler has been instrumental in creating a Launch Indiana program, growing his idea state-wide.
But anyone knowing entrepreneurs realizes they cannot stay in one place forever. Wednesday, it was announced that Wechsler is transitioning out of his key roles leading Launch Fishers and the Indiana IOT Lab. John Wechsler is looking for new challenges, although it is not clear what direction he will take.
“John has been a transformative figure, not just here in Fishers, but also across the state for his insight about how to contribute to building a smart, vibrant, and entrepreneurial city,” Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness said in a city news release. “I am convinced that John has helped build that strong foundation to propel our city into supporting and sustaining entrepreneurs and their ideas for the betterment of Fishers. That momentum will continue with this leadership team in place.”
With Wechsler exiting July 1, here is the list of new leaders taking his place:
David Bolling, CFO & Executive Director of Launch Fishers
Jason Pennington, Vice President & Executive Director of The Indiana IoT Lab
Rachel Drake, Director of Marketing and Communications
“The creation of Launch Fishers in partnership with Mayor Fadness and the Fishers City Council has been one of the most rewarding professional experiences of my career,” Wechsler said. “We have been able to create an environment where innovation and entrepreneurship flourish which has supported the creation of so many high-growth and high-potential enterprises, all while sharing our lessons learned to cities and towns statewide.”
Wechsler will depart Launch Fishers, now in much larger quarters on Technology Drive, in a very good place. Wherever John Wechsler goes next, he will leave that operation is very good shape as well.