The end of spring break

Students are heading back to classes in Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools starting Monday, April 11th.  Spring break is over, and the school year is beginning its final weeks.  The final day of school for the HSE District 2021-2022 school year is scheduled to be Friday, May 20th.

With spring break at an end, there are a number of things to watch in and around Fishers in the coming week.  Here are just a few:

–Registration is now open for parents with children planning to attend kindergarten beginning with the 2022-2023 school year.  Your child must be 5 years old on or before August 1, 2022.  Schools will have an open house for the parents and kindergartners on Thursday, April 14, 5-7pm.  For more details, use this link.

–The Fishers Board of Works and Public Safety has a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 12, at 9am.  A full agenda is not available as of the time of this writing, but it is expected three Verizon 5G towers will be considered by the board in the Sunblest neighborhood.  The towers are proposed to be placed at the following locations:  12499 Bentley, 12526 Saksons & 12430 Farley Drive.

–The Fishers Parks & Recreation Department has already announced five ticketed concerts this summer season at the Nickel Plate Amphitheater ($20 in advance, $25 day of performance).   The department is expected to announce its slate of free concerts at the AMP this summer on Tuesday nights sometime this week.

–The city continues work behind the scenes to design a new City Hall with an arts center included in the complex.  The current Hall is sinking into the ground and the current structure will be demolished to make way for a new building.

–The Hamilton Southeastern School Board will meet Wednesday night.  According to the posted agenda, the board will receive proposals for “adjustments” to the 2022-2023 school calendar.  The agenda does not detail what adjustments will be presented to the board.  Also, calendars for school years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 will be presented for board information and discussion.  The calendar items are listed as information and discussion items only at this time.  Also, the board is scheduled to approve a contractor for the renovation of Durbin Elementary school and will present options on future ways to provide custodial services to the school buildings.