Monthly Archives: March 2022

New Britton teachers have “appreciation kits” from TCC

Teachers at New Britton Elementary School opened up “teacher appreciation boxes” provided by TCC, the firm that operates the local Round Room office building.  The boxes contain coffee pods, hot cocoa mix and marshmallows, popcorn, granola bars, tissues, pens, sticky notes, dry erase markers, hand sanitizer and much more.

TCC selected 520 schools nation-wide and provided the appreciation boxes for the “Teachers Rock Supply Giveaway” to teachers in those buildings, including New Britton Elementary in Fishers, part of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools.

“With the amount of time and effort teachers put in to mold the futures of our children, it’s only fitting to show our support and gratitude towards them through this annual initiative,” said Scott Moorehead, CEO of Round Room, parent company of TCC, in a company news release. “The Teachers Rock Supply Giveaway has become one of our favorite events at TCC each year, and we’re proud to have given back to teachers nationwide for nine years running.”

Round Room, LLC operates 1,241 TCC and Wireless Zone stores across 43 states.  The local operation is at 10300 Kincaid Drive, the former Roche Diagnostics Building.